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How to Do Business with GTrans

The City of Gardena’s GTrans (“GTrans”) is committed to providing a level playing field for all business enterprises to participate in our purchasing and contracting activities. The goal of purchasing is to secure all items and services at the best value obtainable for the expenditure of each tax dollar, while giving all qualified vendors an equal opportunity to do business with the City.

The procedures for the purchase of supplies, services, and equipment by the City are set forth in the Gardena Municipal Code (GMC), Chapter 2.60. For Federal Transit Administration (FTA) funded procurements, GTrans complies with FTA procurement guidelines in accordance with FTA Circular 4220.1F.

Online Bidding System

GTrans uses an online bidding system known as PlanetBids where both formal and informal solicitations may be processed. Vendors will need to register with GTran’s through the PlanetBids online portal system in order to receive procurement notifications and download procurement materials. Vendors who are currently registered with PlanetBids will not need to create a new profile. Contractors/vendors are solely responsible for maintaining up-to-date and accurate information. Vendors may edit their profile at any time.

Read all solicitation materials thoroughly and ensure that your business can comply with all requirements before you respond. It is the bidder’s/proposer’s responsibility to ensure that the most complete and current version of the solicitation, including addenda, have been downloaded and reviewed. All responses are due at or before the time on each solicitation. Late responses shall not be accepted.

GTrans has made every effort to make the contracting and compliance process as easy, secure and reliable as possible. However, if you need help or have questions, please click here for online technical assistance.

Methods of Procurement

The method of vendor selection is based upon both the type of item being purchased and its dollar value. Items valued at less than $50,000 are handled administratively.

Purchases of $50,000 or More

Purchases valued at $50,000 or more must be procured by competitive bid and awarded by the City Council.

Lowest Responsible Bidder (Invitation for Bid)

Bids are awarded to the responsible bidder whose bid, conforming to all material terms and conditions of the invitation for bid, is lowest in price.

Bid Opening

For Invitations for Bid, bids are opened publically via PlanetBids at the date and time designated in the solicitation.

Best Offer (Request For Proposal)

Award is based on an evaluation process to determine the individual or firm that can best perform the service or provide the good(s) most suitable for the City after the price and other factors have been considered.

Council Award of Bid

Staff submits a recommendation for award to the City Council who awards the purchase at a regularly scheduled Council meeting.

Local Preference

On bids for City contracts up to $250,000, Gardena-based businesses can qualify for a small business credit of 5% for purposes of determining the lowest responsible bidder on certain City contracts.

In addition, bidders may be eligible to receive a 5% bid credit if their bid documentation shows that 10% of the work performed or the materials supplies for the work will be through a small business subcontractor.

“Small Business” means a business entity that has, for at least twelve (12) months prior to submittal of its bid, held a current business license issued by the City; maintained its principal business office within the city’s geographic boundaries; either employs fewer than 100 employees, or has annual gross receipts of $10 million or less over the previous three (3) years.

This provision does not apply to Federal Transit Administration funded projects.

Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) Program

GTrans administers a Disadvantaged Business Program (DBE) program in accordance with regulations of the U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT), 49 CFR Part 26, as a condition of financial assistance agreements with the DOT. To download a PDF of GTrans’ current DBE program, click here.

Implementation of the DBE Program is accorded the same priority as compliance with all other legal obligations incurred by GTrans in its financial assistance agreements with the DOT.

It is the policy of GTrans to ensure that DBEs, as defined in Part 26, have an equal opportunity to receive and participate in DOT-assisted contracts. For more information on getting your small business certified as a DBE, please click here to learn more about how to become a certified DBE (look under Certifying UCP Agencies).

GTran’s Overall DBE Goal is 3% for Fiscal Years 2025-2027. The overall goal is for a three-year period from October 1, 2024 through September 30, 2027. The overall goal is expressed as a percentage of all FTA-assisted funds that GTrans will expend in applicable FTA-assisted contracts in the triennial goal period.

You may download a description of the goal methodology and other information regarding the DBE program here: DBE Overall Goal & Methodology FFY 2025-2027

Insurance Requirement

Vendors doing business with the City are required to submit certificates of insurance for General Liability Insurance and Workers’ Compensation. Automobile Insurance coverage may also be required. The City requires a minimum of $1,000,000 liability coverage per single incident with an A-VII Best Rated carrier and requires that the City be listed as the additional insured.

Business License Requirement

Vendors must obtain the pertinent business license and permits required by the City. For more information regarding obtaining a business license, please call (310) 217-9518, or click here.

Bonding Requirement

Each bid differs, but a Bid Bond, Performance Bond and/or Contractor’s Labor and Materials Bond may be required.

Transportation Department Procurement Contact Information

Rachel Yoo
Transit Administrative Supervisor
13999 S. Western Avenue
Gardena, CA 90249

Our Promise to Our Customers

GTrans exists to move people by providing safe, reliable and outstanding public transportation to the communities we serve every day.

GTrans is committed to making its electronic and information technologies accessible to individuals with disabilities in accordance with Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act (29 U.S.C. § 794d), as amended in 1999. Send feedback or concerns related to the accessibility of this website by using our Contact Us Form. For more information about Section 508, please visit the website for the State of California’s Department of Rehabilitation.