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Title VI Complaint Procedure

July 2022

A person wishing to file a complaint alleging disparate treatment or the disparate provision of transit services on the basis of race, color, or national origin level by GTrans may file a complaint using one of the following methods:

Customers may can file a signed, written Title VI Policy Complaint Form within one hundred and eighty (180) days of the alleged discrimination date. The complaint should include the following information:

  1. Contact information (name, address, phone number)
  2. How, when, where and why discrimination occurred

Complaint should include the location, names and contact information of any witnesses.

Forms should be submitted in person at the address below, or mailed to:
Attn: Director of Transportation
City of Gardena Department of Transportation
13999 S. Western Avenue
Gardena, CA 90249

Persons may file a signed, written complaint within one hundred and eighty (180) days of the alleged discrimination date. All written complaints will be referred to the Department of Transportation, GTrans, for evaluation and response. Each complainant will receive an individual written response from the department. Department staff will meet with any complainant at their request. GTrans has 90 days to investigate the complaint. If more information is needed to resolve the case, GTrans may contact the complainant. The complainant has 15 business days from the date of the letter to send requested information to the investigator assigned to the case.

If the investigator is not contacted by the complainant or does not receive the additional information within 60 business days, GTrans can administratively close the case. A case can be administratively closed also if the complainant no longer wishes to pursue their case. A detailed record of all Title VI complaints and the City’s response will be kept on file for a minimum of five years.

It is the policy of the City’s Department of Transportation to do everything within its power to thoroughly investigate and to reasonably accommodate Title VI complaints. Complaints that cannot be resolved to the complainant’s satisfaction will be referred to the City Attorney’s office for final resolution.

In addition to the Title VI complaint process at GTrans, a complainant may file a Title VI complaint with the following:

U.S. Department of Transportation
Federal Transit Administration
Office of Civil Rights, Region IX
201 Mission Street. Suite 1650
San Francisco, CA 94105

Complainants may also file a Title VI complaint with an external entity like the FTA, courts, or other agencies (at the state or federal level). However, should a complaint be filed with GTrans and an external entity simultaneously, the external complaint will supersede the GTrans complaint. At that point, the GTrans complaint procedures will be suspended pending the external entity’s findings.

To request additional information regarding Title VI, please call 310-965-8888 or email titlevi@gardenabus.com.

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